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*Group bookings for 3 or more participants available.
CPE Competencies: 6.5hrs Core
Event organised in collaboration with FIAU.
08:00 - 09:00: Registration
09:00 - 09:25: Welcome Addresses Ms Maria Cauchi Delia - CEO (MIA)Mr Mark Bugeja - President (MIA)
09:25 - 09:45: Keynote Speech Mr Alfred Zammit - Director (FIAU)
09:45 - 10:05: Reporting by Accountants and Auditors: State of Play and Latest Trends and Typologies Mr Daniel Mercieca - Assistant Manager, Intelligence Analysis (FIAU)
10:05 - 10:20: Auditors & Accountants – AML/CFT Supervisory Plan & 2025 REQMs Laura Mifsud - Assistant Manager, Supervision (FIAU)
10:20 - 10:40: Transaction Monitoring (with a focus on the Implementing Procedures Part II addressed to Accountants and Auditors)Dr Adam Falzon - Guidance & Outreach Officer, Legal Affairs (FIAU)Mr Jeremy Mercieca Abela - Senior Associate, Enforcement (FIAU)
10:40 - 11:00: Transaction Monitoring Q&A Moderator:Ms Ariane Azzopardi - Chairperson (MIA AML Committee) and Director, Quality and Risk Management (KPMG Malta)Panellists:Dr Adam Falzon - Guidance & Outreach Officer, Legal Affairs (FIAU)Mr Jeremy Mercieca Abela - Senior Associate, Enforcement (FIAU)
11:00 - 11:20: Coffee Break
11:20 - 12:00: How the new EU AML Package is shaping Supervision across Member States Moderator: Dr Rakele Cini - Member (MIA AML Committee) and Legal Consultant Panellist: Dr Clara Borg Bonaci - Policy Officer (European Commission's Financial Crime Unit in DG FISMA)
12:00 - 12:50: Lessons Learnt and Best Practices for a Successful Moneyval 6th Round Mutual Evaluation Process Presentation Dr Alexander Mangion - Head, Policy, QA & Strategy (FIAU)
Panel Discussion Moderator: Dr Rakele Cini - Member (MIA AML Committee) and Legal Consultant Panellist: Dr Alexander Mangion - Head, Policy, QA & Strategy (FIAU) Dr Pauline Saliba - Executive Secretary (National Coordinating Committee for Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism)
12:50 - 13:50: Lunch Break
13:50 - 14:50: Ensuring a robust AML Ecosystem Moderator: Ms Lucienne Pace Ross - Vice-President (MIA), Member (MIA AML Committee) and Assurance Partner (PWC Malta) Panellists:Dr Pauline Saliba - Executive Secretary (National Coordinating Committee for Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism)Mr Alfred Zammit - Director (FIAU)Mr Kenneth Farrugia - Chief Executive Offier (MFSA)Dr Geraldine Spiteri Lucas - Chief Executive Officer (MBR)
14:50 - 15:50: Case Studies Moderator: Mr Alan Craig - Deputy Chairperson (MIL AML Committee) and Partner (Forvis Mazars Malta)Panellists:Mr Clifton Grech - Manager Intelligence Analysis (FIAU)Ms Lucienne Pace Ross - Vice-President (MIA), Member (MIA AML Committee) and Assurance Partner (PWC Malta)
15:50 - 16:50: Best Practices Moderator:Ms Ariane Azzopardi - Chairperson (MIA AML Committee) and Director, Quality and Risk Management (KPMG Malta)Panellists:Mr Alan Craig - Deputy Chairperson (MIL AML Committee) and Partner (Forvis Mazars Malta) Ms Angela Fleri Soler - Member (MIA AML Committee) and Director (Deloitte)Dr Rakele Cini - Member (MIA AML Committee) and Legal ConsultantMs Joette Sciortino - Member (MIA AML Committee) and Partner (EY)
16:50 - 17:00: Concluding Remarks Ms Ariane Azzopardi - Chairperson (MIA AML Committee) and Director, Quality and Risk Management (KPMG Malta)
Disclaimer: Agenda and Speakers are subject to change.
The session is intended to act as a refresher on some of the key concepts underpinning Malta’s jurisdiction to tax.
Session 3 Intermediate Level – VAT Forms – Which documents to file, when and how.
Session 1 Advanced level – VAT Place of Supply Rules – Where does a Supply take place for VAT purposes and why.
Session 2 Advanced level – VAT Exemptions – Which transactions are actually VAT Exempt any why.
Session 3 Advanced level – VAT Treatment of Complex Transactions
Session 1 Intermediate Level - Output and Input VAT – When to charge/not charge and when to claim/not claim VAT and why.
This course is ideal both to newcomers in the VAT sphere (who have an opportunity that in just 3 sessions they can get a very good theoretical and practical understanding of the main VAT concepts from A to Z) and also to more experienced staff (accountants, lawyers, financial professionals, accounting students, financial staff) who have been working in the VAT sphere for a number of months/years (who may need to brush up their technical knowledge in an intensive manner or fill in certain gaps and clarify certain issues relating to certain transactions).
Internal Auditors, people in management, students, board members and anyone who is interested in obtaining a better understanding on internal controls.
Accountants and lawyers working in the area of tax compliance.
This session is tailored for accountants, firm members, managers, directors, and anyone keen on exploring the evolving role of accountants as trusted advisors.
This session will be of interest to any person with an interest in AI technology or next-gen law and regulation. Critically, the session will be relevant to any service provider or business person that is exposed to AI and or looking to implement it in their business; the EU’s AI rules will apply to both developers and persons who are implementing third-party AI technology into their processes.
Gianluca Busuttil is a senior manager within the Tax team at Deloitte Malta, specialising in regulatory compliance and developing areas of regulation in fields such as artificial intelligence and digital services. Gianluca has followed the development of artificial intelligence regulation since the commencement of their discussion at an EU level and has experience in the practical perspective of AI regulation.
Why is the session of relevance to our members?
On January 9th, 2025, the New Internal Audit Standards by the Global Institute of Internal Auditors came into effect. Internal Audit Functions are expected to be compliant with these new standards. This session provides an overview on these new standards and looks to provide guidance and tips on how these can be implemented.
This session is targeted for Chief Audit Executives, Heads of Internal Audit, Internal Auditors, Audit Committee Chairs, Audit Committee Members, Board Directors and Senior Management.
Lawyers, accountants and professionals involved or interested in the automatic exchange of information space.
This session is mainly intended to sole practitioners providing audit services and to audit firms in particular audit engagements partners, audit managers and other audit team members, quality assurance consultants and sub-contractors.