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Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Financial Crime Conference

20 Feb 2020 14:06 | Deleted user
The Anti-Money Laundering (AML) & Financial Crime Conference was held on 20 February 2020. Over 200 delegates participated in the event, which was co-organised by ARQ Group and the Malta Bankers’ Association (MBA).
The theme of the one-day conference was “The road to meaningful reform”. Significant focus was laid on the findings and actions resulting from MONEYVAL’s 5th round of evaluation of Malta as well as the need to restore Malta’s damaged reputation in this sector. Topical subjects such as effective de-risking, correspondent relationships and terrorism financing were also discussed. Significant discussion took place on the need for the country to take the bold steps to enhance the mechanisms in place to combat corruption, organised crime, money laundering and other serious financial crime.
Mr Fabio Axisa, President of the Malta Institute of Accountants was invited to be a panelist.



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