1. Prelude to the Action Plan
2. Reform of the Code of Conduct for Business Taxation
3. Review of the EU List of Non-CO-operative Jurisdictions
4. Improved Measures to Reinforce Good Governance
5. Supporting Partner Countries in Tax Good Governance
6. DAC7
7. Recommendations relating to Tax Recovery
8. Transformation of the VAT Committee
9. Evaluation of the VAT Scheme for Travel Agents
10. Compliance framework for tax administrations
11. Establishment of Expert Group on Transfer Pricing
12. Data Analytics and Digital Solutions
13. Charter on Taxpayer’s rights
14. Extension of automatic exchange of information to crypto-currency and E-money
15. Simplification of VAT rules for Financial Services
16. Dispute Resolution
17. Digital Solutions to levy tax at source
18. Consistency of Tax Residence Rules
19. Better quality & use of data
20. Review VAT Rules on Passenger Transport
21. VAT dispute prevention and resolution mechanisms
22. VAT Package for the Digital Age
23. E-commerce package for Excise Goods
24. Eurofisc 2.0
25. Verifications of Cross-Border transactions
26. VAT Administrative Cooperation EU & Third Countries