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M2079 - IDPC Data Protection Q&A Session (Online)

  • 1 Jul 2020
  • 10:00 - 11:00
  • Online webinar


Registration is closed
Registration Time: 09:45
Sessions Time: 10:00 - 11:00
Speaker:  Mr 
Ian Deguara, Deputy Commissioner, Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner
Venue: Online webinar

To join you need to register online through the website.
MIA Members: €15
Non-Members: €25
Retired Members: €10
Students: €10

Background information & objectives of the session

Data Protection in Malta, is governed by the Data Protection Act which aims to protect the individuals against the violation of their privacy by the processing of “personal data”. With teleworking and the work from home element, data protection requirements should not be forgotten and one shall also think of consideration which did not impact individuals before, unless a teleworking agreement was in place. This session will explore the different considerations that an individual should make when working from home and using video conferencing tools, company devices outside company hours and whether the applicable security requirements are in place. Moreover, attendees will be given the option to ask questions both before the session and also during the allocated time within the session, in relation to data protection.
In order to make the session more effective, you are required to forward any questions to technical@miamalta.org. Places are limited, kindly book your seat at your earliest.

 Topics on the Agenda

- What is the scope of the Data Protection Act?
- What are the considerations to be made when one is working from home and the applicability of the ACT in this context?
- Are we aware of the GDPR requirements concerned?

Target Audience

Members and Non-Members

Speakers Profile

Ian was one of the first employees to join the Office of the Commissioner in December 2002 after successfully completing his studies at the University of Malta, where he obtained degrees in computing and in business management.
His first tasks were to assist the Commissioner on capacity building and on the implementation of the new set of rules which introduced fundamental rights to data subjects and imposed obligations on data controllers. At the time, the careful implementation of structured efforts was indeed necessary to bring along a smooth culture change in the manner personal data were processed by both the public and private sectors.
During the years, Ian has acquired a level of expertise in data protection. Currently, he holds the position of Deputy Commissioner where his main areas of responsibility include the investigation of data protection complaints and personal data breaches, advising the Commissioner on various local and European data protection issues and other technological matters, actively participating in European working groups on data protection and devising the necessary policies and strategies for the effective enforcement of the GDPR.


1 Hour Professional 


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E-mail: info@miamalta.org

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